
Risk Taking (Micro)

Covering Risk or Risky Behaviors? (7/27/2000)

The insurance solution to risky behaviors, such as smoking and underage driving, is to raise premium to discourage such behaviors and not to subsidize the treatment of such behaviors.

Keywords: health plan, insurance, risk, risky behavior, smoking, smoking intervention, subsidy

Crystal Ball (6/22/2006)

Better information on risky events may lead to market failure due to adverse selection.

Keywords: adverse selection, genetic screening, information, insurance, parking, risk

Easy Money (12/21/2001)

If the insured takes less care to prevent loss, the insurer might be subject to unanticipated loss because of such moral hazard.

Keywords: ABC, Buena Vista Entertainment Inc., deductible, easy money, Goshawk Syndicate, insurance, loss, millionaires, moral hazard, ratings

Framing Perceptions (6/22/2006)

Since people are risk-averse with respect to gain and risk-seeking with respect to loss, their choices can be easily manipulated by whether an offer is framed as a gain or a loss.

Keywords: expected value, framing, gain, loss, perception, risk averse, risk seeking

Grade A Material (8/1/2002)

In the absence of perfect information, insurers charge premiums according to classes of risks rather than individual risks.

Keywords: auto insurance premium, information, premium discount, risk, statistical discrimination

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose - Painless Risk Taking (8/31/1999)

The heated stock market for high-tech startups has spawned many newly rich through riskless stock options.

Keywords: compensation, defection, FASB, lottery, repricing, risk, salaries, salary, start ups, startups, stock options, talent, tax deduction, turnover

Health Risk is a Matter of Life and Death (6/22/2006)

Health insurance premiums tend to be high for individual policies because of adverse selection and moral hazard.

Keywords: adverse selection, auto insurance, coverage cap, deductible, defined benefit, defined contribution, health insurance, health savings account, moral hazard, policies, premiums, third-party payment

Insurance at Risk (11/10/2000)

Genetic test results on fatal diseases could lead to adverse selection of membership in life and health insurance if unfavorable results are concealed from insurers.

Keywords: adverse selection, asymmetric information, exclusion principle, genetic tests, health insurance, Huntington's disease, life insurance, premium, risk, risk pooling, uncertainty

Joint Liability as Loan Collateral (8/16/2000)

The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh uses joint liability as a screening device to overcome insufficient information on the soundness of individual loan projects and to circumvent the dangers of providing loans without collateral among the poor.

Keywords: asymmetric information, Bangladesh, default, Grameen Bank, joint liability, loan collateral, Mohammad Yunus, peer monitoring, repayment

Risk Shifting (6/22/2006)

Defined-contribution pension plans increase labor mobility and facilitate the revival of old businesses in the face of massive industrial restructuring and longer life expectancy.

Keywords: bankruptcy, Chapter 11, defined benefit, defined contribution, IBM, insurance, investment returns, legacy cost, pension plan, PGBC, portability, retirement, risk, risk shifting

Trust and Betrayal (5/9/2006)

Aversion to human betrayal may reduce potentially beneficial exchanges.

Keywords: aversion, betrayal, game, motive, trust

Why Do Immigrants Own Inner-City Stores? (8/30/2001)

Inner city stores attract immigrant owners who are risk takers and have lower opportunity costs of alternative employment.

Keywords: immigrant owners, inner-city stores, opportunity cost, risk